Our Family

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mother-in-laws....Good or Bad?!

So interesting question that seems to be different in everyone's situation. Is your mother-in-law a monster-in-law or a sweetheart?? Are you a lucky one or one of the ton? I have a feeling that this question would cause some very interesting answers. 
Just another interesting curveball would be if your mother-in-law stays sweet and considerate during deployments or if they believe they are on the same level as the wife when it comes to their baby boys? Does your mother-in-law believe she is entitled to the same amount of communication as the wife? Does she get offended when you're the only one that he contacts while he is away? 

This is should be fun if people are actually honest lol

                              My mother-in-law

Now take a guess? Monster-in-law or sweetheart?? ;)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Questions Questions Questions

So figured that I would get imput from some....
Do you agree with going out while your marine is gone?.....do you think it is more appropriate if its with another marine wife?
How do you feel about the issue that most marine wives are thought to be cheaters?
Do you agree with deployment extensions if there is a good reason to it happening?

You don't have to answer every one of them, but if you have the time giving me input on just one would be awesome!!! Hope everyone is having a great day :)

Fussy day!!!

WOW! Talk about a fussy three month old. My son decided he was going to scream his head off almost all of this afternoon. Not quite sure what happened to him because he never acts like that. We did have a good moment that I have to relay to my husband next time he gets to call. When Logan got really into it I pulled up our family picture for him and told him to look at his daddy and he stopped crying and just stared at the computer screen...it was a last ditch effort that I never thought would have worked but to my suprise IT DID (little happy dance thrown in with those words). I'm happy though that he decided to give me a few good minutes before he fell asleep for the night.
My Little Booboo :)

On another note...really starting to go stir crazy. Haven't heard from the husband in 2 1/2 weeks. It's not the longest I have gone without hearing from him but it's starting to get to me. Really wish they were in Iraq instead of afghanistan...then they might have the chance of being on a base camp that has a McDonalds instead of in tents that don't even have a.c. At least it's almost three months into the deployment. 

My favorite!

Ready for tomorrow to be over because my deployment gf is coming to stay at our vacation house. For those of you who don't know what that means...she is pretty much my main support person who understands that majority of what I'm going through since her husband is also deployed with mine. Aside from her also being a marine wife, she also has been my best friend for over twelve years, so she pretty much knows me through and through. There should be some fun stories told on here once she arrives. We have been known to entertain others because of how different we are yet we still get along. To give an example...she is a complete girly girl and I'm definitely not. My idea of getting dressed is a tshirt and jeans. She also loves the color pink and I CANT stand it. Most people have no idea how were even friends but as they say opposites attract.

The deployment gf :)

So question of this blog...Do you think it is appropriate for a married woman to go to a country bar with another wife while their husbands are away?? A lot of controversy comes out of that question where the military is concerned. Even though it doesn't sound bad many don't see it the way others would. Let me know because I would like to know if yall view what I'm going to do next week as scandalous or not ;)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Ugh why coming home.....

Well first blog is going to be a fun one. For those of you who didn't know Coming Home's new season started tonight. Woo hoo (sarcastic tone implied)....for many of us that means a whole lot of crying lol. It's one of those things you cant help but watch but then afterwards you wonder why in the hell did I just put myself through that. And then guess what your going to do the next week...WATCH IT AGAIN! I guess we just enjoy depressing ourselves. At least the only good thing that comes out of it is that you can drink as much wine as you want without anyone judging you ;). This episode definitely made me want to grab the wine bottle. For those of you who don't know me I just had a son 3 1/2 months ago. My husband only got to see him for two weeks before he deployed for what might be eight months. This episode showed a wife and her new baby having her husband come home. I hate that that happens to the boys. They really miss out on a lot when they have to leave. My son is already starting to crawl and decided he already wants to eat baby food instead of his bottle. He also is starting to laugh instead of just grinning and every time I hear his laugh I wish I had caught it on video for my husband because I know how much he misses him. One of the only times he was able to get onto Facebook he told me that there is a house near where they patrol that has a baby in it. He said that the last time they passed it the baby was crying and all he wanted to do was see Logan. It's hard on me but I'm doing fine....I just can't relate to how hard it is for him to be away from his son in the first year of his life. I would film it all but Logan has decided that he is shy in front of the camera. Oh well we will take what we can get because at the end of the day we have a lot more than most do. I know that I have a husband who loves me, and I him, and I have a son who is more perfect than I could have ever hoped for. We have a roof over our heads and the funds for the food we need. Even though we are not always together we will ALWAYS be a family. I love you Ronny and so does your son.