Our Family

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Questions Questions Questions

So figured that I would get imput from some....
Do you agree with going out while your marine is gone?.....do you think it is more appropriate if its with another marine wife?
How do you feel about the issue that most marine wives are thought to be cheaters?
Do you agree with deployment extensions if there is a good reason to it happening?

You don't have to answer every one of them, but if you have the time giving me input on just one would be awesome!!! Hope everyone is having a great day :)


  1. OH Girl!! I am a really strong believer of making the time pass while they are away. I have a BIG problem with people labeling other wives because they go out, and make new friends. Trust is a very important key to a relationship and if you can't trust your SO, than you shouldn't be together.

    If other wives think its a problem that you go out should keep to themselves. This gets really personal for me and I may have a biased opinion, and before Paul left we talked about what he expected and what I expected while he was deployed and one of his expectations was that he didn't want me going out to clubs, or bars. And I have honored that request to the FULLEST extent. When I met Paul I was still going to a University, and I lived in a college town, and this lifestyle is so different for me because people look down on me for having a good time with my friends, and meeting new people. It's hard leaving everything you ever knew behind and to expect someone to associate with only females for 7 months is absolutely insane and I would go nuts... lol. But a lot of people may disagree with me on that but Paul and I both know that we love each other with all that we have, and we would never do anything to hurt each other, and thats why he trusts me to go out and meet new people.

    I know its never going to stop, but I'm tired of being judged for the type of person that I am and I know a lot of other wives are too. I think that You are who you are, You are the way that you are, and you have the relationship that you have with your husband because thats how its supposed to be :)

    Wives are wayyyyy too judgmental at times! lol

    p.s. I love your quetions - because they hit really close to home.. :D

    xoxoxo <3

  2. I defiantly think it is ok for women to go out while their man is away. Like the comment above said a relationship is all about trust. You should be able to have a life while your loved one is away. For my marine and I we are apart even when he is not on a deployment (he's stationed in Hawaii and I'm at school in Illinois)so for me to not go out a majority of the year would drive me insane. Also since I am away at school I do go out to parties and meet new people but it has never been a problem in my relationship because we understand that you can't just sit at home everyday and sulk about not being able to be together.
    Also while we are apart it's not just a one way street my marine goes out as well and has fun which I have no problem with, in fact I'm happy when he does. And a majority of the time he's hanging out with people I have never met and I'm completely ok with that because in a long distance relationship you can't expect to know every single person in your loved ones life. And that is why a long distance relationship is dependent on trust, and thankfully for me we both have that in each other.
